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Hair [LeLutka]-TOKYO hair - AlmostGoth
Body *!* EVE -Slim-V8.4
Tattoo [White~Widow] Invictus - at the event The Fantasy Collective
Harness *!* EVE Steph *new*
Blindfold Yasum*MESH*Urban Doccers*MEGA HUD controled*
Handcuff POMPOSITY - Handcuff Bracelet
Vibrator Barely Legal - Pearl Rabbit Vibe (Blueberry) gacha L$ 10 (closing sale)
Listening to: Miguel- Quickie

Today I visited the store Yasum and I found out it has been fully remodeled. It's bigger and full of news. Each visitor can get a free copy of the teleport HUD which allows you to TP from any part of the grid to any part of the store just by a click on it. Your shopping experience will be more delightful.
Hair [LeLutka]-TOKYO hair - AlmostGoth
Body *!* EVE -Slim-V8.4
Tattoo [White~Widow] Invictus - at the event The Fantasy Collective
Harness *!* EVE Steph *new*
Blindfold Yasum*MESH*Urban Doccers*MEGA HUD controled*
Handcuff POMPOSITY - Handcuff Bracelet
Vibrator Barely Legal - Pearl Rabbit Vibe (Blueberry) gacha L$ 10 (closing sale)
Listening to: Miguel- Quickie