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When I saw pictures of Neva Sky Villi on flickr I became excited to visit the place. The whole enviroment is very well adorned with a special Christmas atmosphere . I decided to rock a cute look and go to pictures.

I started with this cute dress recently released by GABRIEL. It's available in 5 colors.

New Faces just released Chloe, another cute skin for your legacy. Chloe is available at Kustom9 in two makeups and at a very special price. It's worth to check it out.

Skin New Faces Chloe - summer [make-up1] KUSTOM9 *new*
Eyes Mayfly - Luminous - Mesh Eye (Summer Shore) *new*
Lashes *MC* "Falsies" Mesh Lashes
Hair >TRUTH< Aurora - espresso
Earmuffs Izzie's earmuffs
Dress ::GB:: sweater dress /White *new*
Rings [7891.] Lisp gold - @Marketplace
Ring middle finger (lime) mystic blue rhinestone ring
Skates BAX Ice Skate Silver
Poses Adorkable @Marketplace
Location: Neva Sky Villi
Kisses and stay gorgeous!
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