19:28Leia em Português.
It's my time to show you my thoughts on Slink Pysique. I hope you like it.
Seeking for a perfect body has been a struggle to Sl residents since...always. Slink released a few products that made our life easier in this department. I can mention the mesh hands and feet that I never take off and some other stuff like shoes, hairs and finally the most wanted release, the mesh body

Why do we need to get a mesh body? Because “YESSS!!!”
Despite liking the default avatar body I have always liked challenges, and changes are always welcome. The mesh body is beautiful and it ends with all those imperfections so common to default avatar bodies. As they can be worn with mesh clothing and also with clothing that have appliers, nothing in your inventory will be lost.
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Featuring Ivy Skin by Lara Hurley |
What comes inside of your Slink Physique box?
The Slink Physique comes in a kit with 6 Skins (in 6 different tones), each one with a shape, a Hud to apply skins that come in the pack, an alpha HUD to show or hide body parts according to your needs. It also comes with lingerie and a one shoulder dress in fitted mesh, and a HUD to apply that lingerie and finally, physics.
in her review about Slink Physique, the dear MiBlogger published a link with translations of all the information about it in Portuguese. You can also read it in English here.
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Featuring Shona Skin by Adam n Eve |
In the first week of release, people just freaked out: everyone was waiting for their favorite designers to make appliers for it and they did an awesome job. With Slink support, appliers were released very fast.
Who have already made appliers?
On SLink's website you can find a list of stores that already mae skin appliers but I'll mention some here: Lara Hurley, Modish, Adam n Eve, Nar Mattaru, The Skinnery, Glam Affair, Deetalez, It Girls, Your Skin & Your Shape, Body Factory, Izzie's, Lumae (former Heartsick), Wow Skins, PXL, Stargazer Creations, Things Skins and others.
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featuring Xiao Skin by The Skinnery |
There are already a few stores making clothing and tattoos for Physique, among them are: Adam n Eve, Hucci, [ S H O C K ], .:TAOX:. Tattoo & Cloth, Letis Tattoo, Infected tattoo, :: Miss Canning ::, Zed Sensations, Fuk'N'Hawt and others. When searching on the marketplace I also found some stores including * Sexy dreams*, [NyDesign], MusiQ Designs e a ::GLAM::. There are even more suggestions on Slink website
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Featuring Freya Skin by Modish |
You can wear mesh clothes with it. If it's fitted, the better. Some kinds of clevage clothes don't go well with it because of the alpha cut available in the HUD.
It's very well made!!!! When you use it with hands and feet from Slink stays seamless.
Despite it being fitted mesh, the Slink Physique body doesn’t edit to extreme measures so those who like curvy or chubby shapes won't like it that much. As always, it is recommended to try the demo before purchasing it to avoid any disappointment.
Siddean promised that in the future, she will be making a new version of the body a little more shapely. Curvy ladies hope so!!!

What do you think about the skins I'm using here? I loved them all!!!
Look 1
Skin Lara Hurley-Ivy Dark Tan *new*
Shape Supernova! - Dandara Shape - @Marketplace
Mesh body Slink Physique *new*
Eye {S0NG} :: Charmmy~ Honey Eye
Lashes Angel Rock Emeli Lashes Rhianna2
Hair ILLMATIC :: Count Contessa - Noir
Necklace POMPOSITY - Long Zodiac Necklace - Virgo - no OMG
Earrings [7891.] Entry - Silver - @Marketplace
Ring...:::Scrub:::... DP Cameo Ring (antigo item de caçada)
Braceletes FEMALE [MANDALA] SANKARA_Bracelet set_BLACK
Bolsa Tentacio Goblin purse black - i got it at Serafilms -
Top[R3] - Kelsey Top [V2] by !R3volt! - no evento Rhapsody (until 7/12/14)
Short [R3] - Hainsley Shorts [V2] by "R3volt!- no evento Rhapsody (until 7/12/14)
Heels !(HR 3.0)! HighRizers Hi Wedge (Coconut)
Pose *agapee* high pose set4
Look 2
Skin AE Skin Shona Ethnic Tone ETC Bare by Adam n Eve *new*
Eyes {S0NG} :: Frost~ Pitch Eye
Mesh head Slink Visage Mesh Head - Emma
Mesh body Slink Physique *new*
Hair 1 (bun) booN UDE609 hair black
Hair 2 (braids) booN POI481 hair black -
Tiara LaGyo_Peonies headband aqua
Bikini ::HH:: Hucci Bikini Physique - Slink West Gift *free* at Slink West
Bag VCO - Happy summer picnic ( Tube - Pineapple) <Bag> gacha
Bangles ::je::suis:: asymetrique::all colors:: bangles
Ring je suis... voyante ring *plain*
Hands Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands -Gesture (r) Splayed (l)
Nails Deesses Skins: Slink Avatar Enhancemen - French nails *new*
Feet Slink AvEnhance Flat Feet
Sandals VCO - summer picnic ( Summer Shoes - Pineapple) gacha
Look 3
Skin [theSkinnery] Xiao - Bare face (toffee)
Freckles [theSkinnery] Slink Physique Freckles - group gift
Shape Shape Supernova! - Dandara Shape - @Marketplace
Mesh body Slink Physique *new*
Eyes {S0NG} :: Circle~ Raven Eye *free*
Hair .:EMO-tions:. * ROSA *
Pyjamas :AE: PJ GIft by Adam n Eve *free*
Ring[meisu] moustache ring_silver
Hands Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Gesture (r) Relaxed (l)
Feet Slink AvEnhance Flat Feet
Sandals :::LP::: Geta Sandals L [Female] - White by Le Primitif
Look 4:
Skin ::Modish:: Freya (Skt06)
Mesh body Slink Physique *new*
Eyes {S0NG} :: Hope~ Hazel Eye
Lashes *MC* "Falsies" Eyelash by Mon Chéri
Hair eXxEsS : PLONKA Dark Brown
Lingerie ::HH:: Hucci Lace Shelf Set Phys Ap - Moonglow
Rings [7891.] Lisp rings - Gold - @Marketplace
Anklet Cae :: Zodiac :: Anklet
Hands Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Elegant (r) Relaxed (l)
feet Slink AvEnhance Feet High
Scarpins ::HH:: Hucci Calbe Pump - MidnightSilver
Chair with poses BehaviorBody ChicSit 2 with Prop
Kisses and keep gorgeous!
Special thanks to all the talented designers whom contributed to this post. This wouldn't be possible without your support.
Also a huge hug to my friend Bardiel for his support on translation.
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