Slink Physique Hourglass
Some days we wake up felling like we have nothing to wear and the first thing that comes in mind is the overwhelming wish to burn everything in our inventory. Today was one of those days to me. I've decided to exorcise this wishing for deleting by showing you the brand new mesh body from Slink which I just loved.
The Slink Physique Hourglass is a curvier version of the classic Slink Physique body.
The Slink Physique Hourglass is a curvier version of the classic Slink Physique body.
HUD settings are exactly the same of the old body so every clothing you have with physique appliers will work normally on the new body. Just in case of mesh clothing I have to mention that as the Hourglass body is way more thicker than the Physique such clothing will no match it. Otherwise it's worth to mention that now Slink bodies are Omega friendly so all your Omega appliers can be used on them. You just have to activate Omega scripts on your body by following the pattern procedure for it.
Check out in the scheme bellow what really changed on Slink Physique body shape:

I used the same shape in pictures (body fat 11, body thickness 28, leg muscles 58, hip width 64, butt size 52). It's very noticiable the differences on hips, waist, leg thickness and butt size.
The body is such a find for all those who love curves. It's really worth to buy it because beyond the natural beauty of it many developpers are currently working on releases for Hourglass.
I haven't seen any flaw on the body. Curves and forms are very harmonic and as the body is fitted mesh your appearance will depend only on your shape. So it's worth to play with sliders to get the best results.
Credits:Body Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body *new*
Skin [theSkinnery] Marni 6 (mocca) gacha
Shape Supernova! Dandara - shape - @Marketplace
Hands Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Gesture/ Casual
Feet Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Flat
Hair LeLutka.Bey hair.FIT.Swish.
Pose (pic 1) .::IDK::. Pack #72
Poses (pic 2) .::IDK::. Pack #72 e Di's Opera - Portrait Poses GIFT
Closet Exposeur - Luxury Closet Gacha - Closet ULTRARARE
Mannequim Exposeur - Luxury Closet Gacha - Dress Form - Pink gacha
Messy shoes Garbaggio // Shoe Clutter Colorful/ Garbaggio // Shoe Clutter White
Messy clothes 18.erratic / lsm - clothing clutter - woman/ :HAIKEI: look through the window gacha {4}/ -tres blah- Hodgepodge - Tossed Clothes gacha
Boxes full of clothes - :HAIKEI: where you've been /gacha {3}/ [ARIA] Gretchen blanket and pillows crate gacha
Rug tarte. striped rug gacha
Pillows llorisen // eclectic stacked cushions RARE gacha
Hanging clothes =EliBaily= Dover Clothes Gacha_Jeans/=EliBaily= Dover Clothes Gacha_V Tee/ Exposeur - Luxury Closet Gacha - Hanging Pants/ Exposeur - Luxury Closet Gacha - Hanging Sweatshirt/ Exposeur - Luxury Closet Gacha - Hanging Blouse
Gift boxes Exposeur - Luxury Closet Gacha - Keepsake Boxes
Magazines 15.erratic / lsm - magazine & news
Bear <:*BoOgErS*:> Snooze Bear
Tray with coffe cup and stuff -tres blah- Hodgepodge - Catch All
Parfum tray -tres blah- Jolie - Perfume Collection RARE
Phone (lip shaped) -tres blah- Eclectic Collection - Hot Lips Phone (Red)
Case -tres blah- Jolie - Train Case
Caixa organizadora de maquiagens -tres blah- Jolie - Makeup Organizer group gift
Bottle full of soap -tres blah- Jolie - Savon De Tres Blah
Parfum -tres blah- Jolie -Round Bottle
Jewelry (cat head shaped) -tres blah- Eclectic Collection - Trinkets
Jewelry (hand shaped) -tres blah- Jolie - Golden Hand
Tower -tres blah- Jolie - Makeup Tower
Makeup set -tres blah- Jolie - Eye Makeup
Folded clothes -tres blah- Hodgepodge - OOTD gacha / Soy. Folded tee [white]/ Soy. Folded tee [black] group gift
Luminária tarte. tarnished bulb lamp(metal)
Makeup open case tarte. portable vanity RARE
Ladder 7 - Library Ladder gacha by 7 Emporium
Shoe boxes Garbaggio // Shoe Boxes
Kisses and stay gorgeous!
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