A new asian to complete my collection, Akuya skin is one of the most recent releases from Orage Creations. She's lovely. The skin is currently available in 3 tones and you can also find appliers for Slink hands and feet, mesh breasts and bottoms at mainstore.

Skin [orage] Akuya skin - tea
Shape Skumtomte - Muffin Shape - @Marketplace
Eyes {S0NG} :: Hope~ Abyss Eye
Eyeliner [ glow ] studio - Pin up eyeliner (tattoo)
Lipstick [PF] INK Lipstick/LipGloss - @Marketplace
Hair [LeLutka]-JADA hair - Pitch
Eyepatch [orage] Ra eyepiece - CSR
Earring [orage] Rays earlobe earring - CSR
Outfit GizzA - Suspenders Outfit
Ring [meisu] moustache ring anel de mustache mesh
Bracelets [Modern.Couture] Jewelry - Mika Bracelet Black
Clutch AMERIE - Clear Clutch(SAMURAI Blue) - group gift at Creation JP
Shoes claMberry. english high boots blue
Poses *agapee*-gown pose set17(HUD)/ *agapee*-photo pose set(f)2(shoes)(HUD)
Location: Chaos City
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