14:41Leia em Português.
Sarada is an expression in portuguese from brazil that we use to say that a woman is in shape, specially if she has muscles standing out.
All those who like muscles can celebrate. .:.CoCoches.:. just released Kate, a skin with sensual features and a special touch: abs!!!. I just love it, actually I always wanted to show up nice abs like these.

Heels and cross necklace I'm wearing are new releases from .::Energie::.. . Heels come with with HUD to customize metals and sole colors. It's available in many different colors.
Note: These heels are compatible only with Slink high feet . Make sure you already have them before you purchase the heels.

As I couldn't forget to mention the skin Kate has 9 tone options, 9 makeups and also 9 lipsticks in tattoo layer included. Appliers for Slink, lolas, phat azz and Brazilia butts are also included so you can save a lot of money. There's also a version without abs if you prefer not to use them.

Skin and shape .:.CoCoches.:. K A T E *new*
Eyes {S0NG} :: Alaska~ Brown Eye
Hair eXxEsS : PLONKA Mesh Hair - Dark Brown
Ring Indy&Co.: Chablis Antique Rings Duo: Black
Bangles ReVeRie - SeLKieS Bangles "Gold" by giseleklum
Necklace 1 .Olive. the Mine! Zodiac Necklace - All Signs Gold
Necklace 2. .::Energie::.. Beaded Cross Necklace
Feet Slink Avatar Enhancement feet high
Bikini [LF] Supreme Glossy Bikini Gold (Wear me)
Pose prop Dyer Maker Fashion & Couple Poses - Blocks Red Set Copy - it was released for Monochromatic fair (not available at mainstore yet)
Kisses and stay gorgeous!
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